“Our goal is to build and provide an “armory” for equipping believers with practical chronological Bible-teaching resources.”
For This Reason - Business Card
For This Reason - Business Card
For This Reason is a fast-paced chronological ride through the Scriptures of the prophets, the world’s best-seller, the Holy Bible. Adapted from the 222-minute KING OF GLORY epic (in 50+ languages), this 100-minute journey connects the dots of the Old and New Testaments and reveals how everything points to the Man whose birth split world history in two. While this fresh retelling of history’s central story is a film for all seasons, it is a perfect fit for Christmastime–for people of all cultures and ages, including those who don’t celebrate Christmas.
These business cards provide people with a link to stream the movie, For This Reason for free on our website. They are easy to hand out to share the Gospel message and Christmas story with anyone.