Our Goal is to see Canadians nurtured toward a
Gospel-centered lifestyle of evangelistic disciplemaking.
Our Ministry
Impact Canada Ministries exists to reach Canadians with the Gospel and mobilize confident witnesses of Jesus Christ. We are a Christian Evangelistic Ministry and a non-denominational registered charity.
Local Missions: We serve as missionaries to local communities in Canada, reaching out to all ages and ethnicities.
Bible Camps and VBS: ICM aims to grow and train camp speakers while developing camp curriculum and counsellor training programs.
Witness Mobilization: ICM partners with churches, Christian schools, colleges and outreach ministries offering workshops and classes for family discipleship, camp counselling, chronological Bible-teaching and evangelism.
Internships: In the areas of local missions and outreach, teaching and training, speaking at retreats and events, curriculum development and desktop publishing.
Impact Canada is rooted in the great promise of Jesus Christ…
“… you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Our Team

How to partner with a missionary
Partnering brings believers together to participate in God’s kingdom work that ICM missionaries cannot do alone.
Those who serve with Impact Canada must trust the Lord to raise partners who will join together through prayer, encouragement, and financial support.