

ICM offers practical training in sharing and teaching the Gospel through workshops, mission trips, and hands-on ministry.

“Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” (2 Timothy 2:2b NLT)

Witness Mobilization Workshops


We understand that many Christians struggle with fear, inadequacy, and confusion when it comes to sharing their faith. That's why our workshops offer practical skills, hands-on opportunities, and insights that will help you grow in your understanding of the Gospel and strengthen your faith. We believe these workshops will help you embrace your mandate as an ambassador for Christ and renew your confidence in the Gospel’s power to transform lives, equipping you to be a more effective witness.

Contact us below to schedule a workshop or find out more about how they can benefit your ministry. All our workshops are offered free of charge as we serve as unto the Lord; love offerings and honorariums are welcomed and appreciated.

  • Nurturing “heart faith not just head faith” so kids keep their faith.

    Nurturing your relationships with God “Before the Person” (Gen. 2).

    Nurturing faith by example, “Love, Serve, Lead” (Eph. 5)

    Nurturing the “essentials”, putting on your spiritual clothes. (Gen. 6)

  • What is Chronological Bible Teaching? - How does it work?

    Can’t we just use the Gospels? - Avoiding assumptions!

    Finding Jesus in the Old Testament. - All Scripture leads to Christ!

    The power of the Historical Narrative. - Putting faith back in The Story.

  • Essentials of servant leadership.

    Salvation and Sanctification - avoiding confusion.

    Evangelism & Chronological Bible Teaching.

    Camp Speaking & Cabin Leading.

  • Being a missionary in your own community “Across the Street”.

    Equipping and Training leaders in your church or ministry.

    Week-long outreach programs (Camps, VBS etc.)

  • Worldviews vs. Biblical Worldview (The challenges we face)

    Gospel essentials (Where do we start?)

    Friend of sinners vs. A friend of the world

    Pleasing God, a faith that marvels. (Luke 7)


Interested in a workshop? Get in touch!

Call us at (306) 244-0446, or fill out the form below, and we will get in contact with you shortly.