As an organization, DM2 exists to support the church’s efforts to spread the Gospel and establish local churches, both here and abroad. Believers considered for missionary service with DM2 must reflect a godly walk and exhibit humble submission to the Lord. He or she must be doctrinally sound, walking according to the Spirit, confirmed and sent forth by a local church (Acts 13:1-5; 16:1-3; Philippians 4:14-18; Romans 15:24).
We do not believe that a parachurch organization should ever usurp the authority of an individual local church, especially in mission service. We believe that parachurch organizations are secondary and subordinate to local churches (Acts 14:26-28; 1 Timothy 3:15; Hebrews 13:7, 17)
Learn more about DM2 here.
The Most Amazing Story by Wanda Nazworth
This children's curriculum contains 82 easy-to-read Bible lessons that move from Genesis through the four Gospels. Basic biblical world-views are incorporated into each lesson. Without excessive prep-time, The Most Amazing Story has proven to be effective in family reading, home-school, Christian school, and Sunday school settings. Packed with quality artwork that is photo-copy ready, your students will use their imagination to bring the lessons to life.
The Most Amazing Story: Workbook by Wanda Nazworth
This children's curriculum contains 82 easy-to-read Bible lessons that move from Genesis through the four Gospels. Since each lesson has a complete set of review questions and accompanying activities, you have a comprehensive lesson plan that is certain to make you effective.
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