
King of Glory

King of Glory is a 15-episode animated series that brings the Scriptures of the biblical prophets to life as it accurately tells God's story and message in a way that makes sense to a worldwide audience of all ages and cultures. Watch God’s plan of salvation unfold as you journey from Genesis-to-Revelation. Each of the 15 episodes can be viewed in 12-19 mins or 70 scenes of 3-5 mins each.

The Illustrated study guide is a companion tool that reinforces the big-picture truths about God, mankind, sin, and salvation, embedded in the best story ever told. In combination with the movie, this curriculum makes the Bible’s foundation and framework refreshingly clear for the seeker and the believer from all backgrounds.

Below is free access to our digital chronological Bible resources. These links will give you access to the full video series, and if you want to go deeper, there are companion study guides available for download. These may be resources that you could use to reach out to a friend or family member who is struggling to find a secure hope in this fallen world.

Free streaming and download version links:

Watch in 70 Scenes / Watch in 15 Episodes / Illustrated Study Guide / Answer Key / Colouring Page Downloads

Other Resources:

One God One Message.jpg

One God One Message (book)

This informed journey through the world’s bestseller- from Genesis to Revelation- guides skeptics over the obstacles and into a clear understanding of the gospel and its implications for time and eternity. Includes discussion questions.


What If Jesus Meant What He Said? (book)

What if Jesus doesn’t want to be part of a life? What if He wants it all? Take the journey from knowing about Jesus to knowing Jesus. Discussion questions with each chapter.


Your Story (booklet)

It's Your Story... Do You Know It? “Your Story” offers a panoramic view of the Bible and shows how your own story can be forever linked to your Creator’s story. This illustrated 36-page booklet summarizes the best story and message ever told.

For This Reason - Movie/DVD

For This Reason is a fast-paced chronological ride through the Scriptures of the prophets, the world’s best-seller, the Holy Bible. Adapted from the 222-minute KING OF GLORY epic (in 50+ languages), this 100-minute journey connects the dots of the Old and New Testaments and reveals how everything points to the Man whose birth split world history in two. While this fresh retelling of history’s central story is a film for all seasons, it is a perfect fit for Christmastime–for people of all cultures and ages, including those who don’t celebrate Christmas.

For This Reason - Christmas Cards

ROCK has developed five beautiful Christmas Cards. These cards provide a way for you to say “Merry Christmas” with an invitation to watch what could be for some the most significant movie of their lives as it unfolds the big-picture story of the One whose birth split world history in two and offers hope and peace to all who believe in Him.

There are 5 cards. Each has 2 parts: the outside (front & back) and the inside. You will notice that the back side is upside down. This is so when folded they will be right side up! If you decide to print them yourself, be sure to use a quality card stock for the paper in your printer.

Card trim dimensions: Unfolded: 10” x 7” | Folded: 5” x 7”